Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Throw in the Towles

The unilateral decision to change the last two years of the Towles Montessori program to New Tech  seems to have upset a number of parents who knew nothing about the change until it was announced by the district out of the blue.  Understandable, since since their kids had been committed for another year at Towles before hearing about it. Less understandable was the reason given for changing to New Tech and routing Towles kids to Wayne instead of South Side. The district spokesperson blurted out something about SSHS maybe having a bad reputation and that people who though reputation was important just didn't want to give it a chance. "Maybe" having a bad reputation? And somehow Karen O'Frisco blamed  the whole thing on vouchers.

So a half dozen uppity parents came to last night's board meeting to complain and learn first hand about talking to a brick wall, also known as the school board. President QiaQuinta, known to his former schoolmates as Yahweh, explained that board members were "trained" not to respond to the public lest they undermine the superintendent, known to the common taxpayers as Your Majesty. They're well versed in pretending to pay close attention to their customers and feign interest in their concerns. And of course queens don't have customers or a need to win hearts and minds..


Anonymous said...

Catholic school parents are ticked about vouchers, not because of the kids coming in the doors, but the one size fits all education and the higher cost. Because of extra staffing and technology, it's now cost Catholic schools $10,000 - $15,000 to education one student. I realizing the hope lies with Canterbury or homeschooling.

Code Blue Schools said...

Private schools should be able to add some incremental amount of students before they need to add staff and facilities. True, not enough money is following the child at this point. Special ed money especially. But over time the more astute parents still left in urban districts will push for funding adjustments.

It's a start. Eventually Ft. Wayne will see some successful charter schools and we'll end up with a diverse system of schools instead on a government school system monopoly. And that will be an overall benefit for the city. What that means for FWCS as we know it now doesn't matter. They can adapt or perish.

Anonymous said...

I am wondering how Mr. GiaQuinta will defend the principal of North Side High School. I heard this as a community member from a mother of a faculty member. Knowing the Hissong family it would not surprise me and it totally disgust me! Mr. Hissong stated the following "Go check out the hot young substitute teacher! She is gorgeous, and the 1st male teacher to bang her will be awarded dinner."

Wonder why the school system is loosing students?

Anonymous said...

Yes, female teachers should also be eligible for any award.

Anonymous said...

As a person, I heard from the sister of a neighbor with a nephew teaching at the school that it is not true.

Code Blue Schools said...

Unless someone comes out publicly, this sort of story, if true, will never come to light from the board or administration. Hissong replaced the principal at Elmhurst after she left under a cloud that was never explained. He had a reputation for insensitive comments at Elmhurst.

Transparency is not in the district's vocabulary.

Anonymous said...

The Catholic Church and school that we belong too LOVES the voucher kids. Of course there were none left before Christmas break but the school still gets paid the full amount from the state. The kids did not like the homework every night with no parental help I guess. What did they expect?

Anonymous said...

If you loved the voucher kids, then you would bend over backwards to help them and ensure they could do the homeschool with afterschool tutoring, etc. Now, I know why I am leaving my Catholic faith behind.

Code Blue Schools said...

The state was supposed to have a second count day in mid year to insure the voucher money stopped when kids left private school. If voucher kids aren't prepared for more of a challenge in a private school then they schould stay in a government school where everybody is passed to preverve their egos and improve the "graduation" rate. Private schools shouldn't be expected to do more for voucher students than for any other student. They're giving them an opportunity but it's up to the kids to take advantage oof it.

Anonymous said...

The voucher money is distributed to private schools in payments (not sure how many). If a student leaves the private school the payments end so it is possible the private school did not receive all the voucher money. At the end of the school year, left-over voucher money is then distributed to all schools in the state.

Anonymous said...

Maybe they left when football season was over.

Anonymous said...

Evert, I agree with you that private schools should not do any more than they would for a regular private student. I mean what do people think private schools are, public schools where the worse kids are allowed to attend and the public schools should fix them or be called ineffective? KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK EVERT!!!!!!!!!! iTS IS PEOPLE LIKE YOU THAT MADE THIS COUNTRY A PLACE EVERYONE WANTS TO LIVE!!!!!!

Code Blue Schools said...

If private schools were getting $12K/yr(that the government schools get per student) for a voucher student instead of $5K they might be able to accept the worse(?) students. And since the government school teachers are "performing miracles" in their classrooms every day according to Steve Brace, they are better suited to fix the worse students. And FWCS with their "choice" and "racial balance" is also able to export their worse students to every part of town and even out the mediocrity and gang bangers. Dilution is the solution.

Anonymous said...

I bet the Netherlands is really nice this time of the year. Why don't you just leave.

Code Blue Schools said...

The tulips are already gone.

FWCS Teacher said...

Are we really back to this "government schools" stuff? If you recall, we went through all of this several months ago when that person pretending to be highly-paid consultant was on here commenting. I really thought you had moved past that tired old attempt at rallying those people who believe anything provided by the government is bad.

Yes, the public schools are paid for with tax dollars. The police department is as well. Ditto for the fire department. Do you refer to them as "government police" or "government firefighters," or are they simply the police and the fire department? Do you mind driving on "government roads" when you go to the store, or do you rely on toll roads for your travel needs?

Would you advocate for the creation of private police departments and fire departments that could siphon tax dollars away from the "government police" and "government fire" services? Wouldn't that be a good thing? Maybe some competition would make the "government firefighters" get to a burning house more quickly, even though they wouldn't have as many firefighters to help put out the fire. Maybe "government police" would do better if they had to attempt to prevent/solve crime with fewer resources. Sure the fire department and police department won't have the funds which would help them to teach people how to prevent fires and crime, but they'll just have to figure out a way to get it done.

Of course, you understand that those private police and fire departments would only cater to those areas of town which could afford their services, leaving the majority of the city terribly underserved. Also, if you aren't an ideal customer, those private fire and police departments will likely tell you that you're going to have to go back to the "government" departments, but they'll not do that until after they've received the tax dollars which would've paid for your services.

I would certainly not want to be a homeowner whose house caught on fire, nor would I want to rely on police protection in those areas of the city not served by the private departments, as their services would certainly be cut in order to provide vouchers to divert funds to those private departments.

I am a capitalist. I love free markets. I am also a public school teacher and a realist who does not take his marching orders from those who fail to understand the role public schools play in a community. Derisively referring to them as "government schools" is a tactic left to those who are unable to argue the facts and have resorted to name-calling to attempt to influence opinions. Frankly, I expect more from a person who desires to have his opinions taken seriously.

Anonymous said...

Well written, FWCS teacher!

Code Blue Schools said...

Government schools are those run by government agencies, as opposed to charter schools which are public schools run by other organizations and private schools. Government run schools are just part of the mix of education poviders, which you can take as a derisive term if you choose to do so. But I certainly don't view them as sacred or indispensable and if someone comes along with a better way educate kids, they are welcome to my tax dollars.

In the meanwhile you can take comfort in knowing that our government schools are rated on a par with those of Slovenis, about 25th in the industrialized world. No offense intended to anyone from Slovenia.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Slovenia tests all of their children like the United States? Probably not. I

Code Blue Schools said...

I wonder if they have social promotion like in the US.

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