Wednesday, February 10, 2010

That's right, Mark, blame the governor!

FWCS board president Mark GiaQuinta, was quoted in today's JG as telling us to write the governor, who is not "education friendly", to complain about the effect of budget cuts on the schools. The budget shortfall is due to two factors. A reduction in earnings on district funds because of low interest rates and the drop in state revenues which pay for teacher salaries. In other words, it's the economy.

So what exactly should we tell the governor? Raise interest rates? Print money? That's the Fed's job. Raise taxes? That's always the answer when the public sector doesn't want to feel the same pain as the rest of us. That's why four European countries (Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Spain) appropriately abbreviated as the "PIGS" are about to default on their loans.

Look at the bright side. Now Wendy can get even with the people at Elmhurst, who wouldn't go along with closing the school as part of her remodeling project. Just spare us the BS.


Anonymous said...

This is an issue all across the country. Schools think they should be immune to budget cuts. I am not talking about cutting good teachers. I am talking about all the other waste that goes on at schools and there is plenty. While millions lose their jobs, what are the faculty and schools willing to give up? Apparently nothing.

The truth shall set you free...... said...

I could or would possibly have a little more respect for Mayor I mean Dr Robinson if she would have taken a cut in pay in order to keep a teacher or two, or three, or ten with what she makes.

Spencer Clay said...

Mr. GiaQuinta really needs to figure out why he ran for the school board. I cannot believe he ran for the school board to do Dr. Robinson's bidding. Mark, please get off the crazy train while the school district can be saved. Five more years of Dr. Robinson's bad leadership will doom FWCS to Gary status. Is that what you want Mark? Mr. Brown should also reexamine his reasons for being on the school board. Mr. Brown, nodding in agreement with bad policy does not make a good board member. I can honestly say you don't have a leg up on anyone Kevin.

The truth shall set you free...... said...

Mr Mark should be thanking the Govenor that the JG made him the front page headline instead of his schoolboard today 2/23...but I guess if you do not have Don or Willis or Imagine in your name you do not qualify for taxpayer news...when you are in charge of millions of taxpayer dollars the best you can get is the Metro section...since when does the JG want to support Mitch D? Amazing!