Saturday, December 5, 2009

Don Willis must be doing something right

Anyone who can trigger a personal tirade by Karen 'Frisco has to be doing something right. In a rambling editorial rant the other day she accused Willis of saying the public education system has to die. Whether Willis said that or not is irrelevant. The truth is that urban systems like FWCS are dying all on their own. FWCS is not being killed by Willis but by an academic decline that forces middle class parents to avoid the system by moving, staying out of the district or sending their kids to private school like school board members Steve Corona and Mark GiaQuinta did. At least Willis isn't a hypocrite.

FWCS is dying a slow, agonizing death because the teachers union, the administration and worst of all the board can't adapt to the reality of urban education. They fear change too much. If Willis can speed up inevitable collapse with his charter schools, FWCS students, parents and taxpayers should thank him. After all, they shoot horses don't they?


The truth shall set you free...... said...

We can only all hope that Ball State Univ shares your idea of Don Willis. FWCS with the help of the JG got exactly what they wanted...they have been chomping at the bit trying to figure out a way to stop the growth of Imagine Schools in Ft Wayne. It's too bad that the Mayor can't decide such things like Indianapolis does. Their Public School Board doesn't run their city like it does ours. Why is everyone so afraid of them? If Ball State wanted to teach their Journalism classes some real fighting back, they would not bow down to the JG or Dr. Robinson or her school board, and they would do the right thing and give people options for a better public school. Ball State does not need The JG for interning purposes for their jornalism majors as much as your new Teachers need a school to teach in. This would give your new graduating teachers a place to work in Ft Wayne...they will not be hired by FWCS..and if they want to work in Ft Wayne they are going to need schools to teach in correct? It looks like EACS has turned down the old Village Woods School offer for Mr Willis to buy it, so he has purchased a building on Pontiac St instead. Will Ball State be brave enough to charter another Imagine in Ft Wayne? Or perhaps it is the location of these schools that bothers all of them? Children on Pontiac St or in EACS district should not have choice? It is time to take a stand againts FWCS.
Who will be brave enough to do it?

Code Blue Schools said...

I takes somebody like Wills, who has the money to back up his convictions, to put some real pressure on FWCS. The district and especially the teachers union (misnamed as an "education association") work much harder to resist change than they do to fix the problem. Eventually the state or the feds may come through, but don't count on it. The politicians are ultimately more concerned about the teachers unions than they are about the quality of urban education.

Unfortunately most parents who can do so "take a stand" by moving out of the district.

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