Tuesday, May 26, 2009

What's Karen Francisco smoking?

Anyone who doubts the need for a massive sewer project hasn't read Ms. Francisco's piece on FWCS in Sunday's JG Perspective. Rolling your pant legs up won't be enough. You'll have to take them off to keep them out of the new level of bullshit Ms. Francisco reaches. Only at the end , when we hear that Wendy, excuse me, I mean Dr. Robinson, could serve in the Obama administration, does it make any sense. As Henny Youngman would have said, "Barack, take my superintendent, please." Maybe then we can find someone who can actually get the test scores up.


Jon Olinger said...

It's the same old thing with Karen. She is incapable of objective reporting and has lost all credibility. I still contend that if Dr. Robinson or Mark suddenly stopped walking, Karen would break her nose in a collision with their butts.

Code Blue Schools said...

She could be inhaling second hand smoke trying to sniff out racism.

Anonymous said...

A "Henny Youngman" reference?.. Doubt many folks under 55 would understand that one.

Code Blue Schools said...


You're right. Being old gives me the perspective of what schools like South Side HS were like 40 years ago. Not too many people have that perspective, and most of those in my generation don't realize how much they've changed.